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Made With Orion's Love, LLC

Fallopian Shirt

Fallopian Shirt

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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In the realm of apparel, a new testament arises—behold, "Fallopians," a garment that speaks with the authority of truth. Crafted not just in fabric, but in conviction, this unisex tee bears the proclamation: "He who is without ovaries, shall not make laws for those who do."

Emblazoned with a design that echoes the wisdom of ages past, "Fallopians" stands as a testament to empowerment and autonomy. Its message is resolute, declaring that sovereignty over one's body and choices belongs only to those who understand the sacred journey of womanhood.

Adorn yourself with "Fallopians," and wear not just a shirt, but a statement—a reminder to all that the power to decide is vested in the sacred feminine. Let your attire be a beacon, illuminating the path towards equality and respect for every individual's autonomy.

Join the movement. Embrace the ethos. Wear "Fallopians"—where empowerment meets apparel.

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